环境信息组态监控系统设计———Design of the environment information configuration supervision system


Abstract:With the configuration software,I/O intelligence driver software and ACCESS database, the configuration supervision system of glasshouse is researched. the operation interface can be understanded in brief and easily, having a humanization, and can improve the glasshouse environment information management automation degree, provide a gist for the planting decision of the facilities agriculture, carrying on high-production-value and high-benefit production.
Keywords: Power control; Configuration software; Glasshouse; Supervision system;

引言:计算机自动控制的智能温室自问世以来" 已成为现代农业发展的重要手段和措施" 但国内温室控制系统缺乏与我国国情相适应的温室优化控制软件’ 为了探索工业组态软件在现代设
施农业领域实际应用的方法和过程" 提高现代设施农业自动化程度"提出一种采用力控组态软件"结合温室环境传感器+智能数据采集及控制模板而建立的温室环境组态监控系统。
