摘 要:在分析流量标定装置的标定原理与结构基础上,将标准表法和标准体积法综合在一套流量校准装置中,扩大了应用范围,提高了检定效率。完成恒压供水系统、数据采集、标准流量计及控制执行等电路的配置,建立系统的数学模型,进行Matlab仿真分析,采用组态王软件开发流量计检定系统,运用DDE技术完成了Matlab与组态间的动态数据交换,通过编程实现流量装置和流量计的检定、数据存储以及历史数据报表等功能,较好地实现在线实流校准的仿真。实验调试表明:流量计校准装置的准确度为0.3,能较好地实现流量校准系统的控制、数据采集、处理分析的自动化。
中图分类号:TH814;TP272;TP311.52;TM930.12 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-5124(2013)05-0065-03
Design of flow meter calibration system based on configuration
software and DDE technology
HU Kai-ming, LI Yue-zhong, ZHAO Yong-ke
(College of Mechanical and Electronics Engineering,East China Institute of Technology,
Fuzhou 344000,China)
Abstract: The methods of master meter and standard table are integrated in a flow standard device after analyzing the principle and structure of the flow calibration standard device, which can expand application range and improve detection efficiency. The system has the functions of constant pressure water supply and data acquisition. And it is also equipped with the hardware circuits of the standard flow meter, the actuator, etc. The mathematical model is established, and Matlab simulation analysis is carried out. Flow meter calibration system is developed with the Kingview software. The dynamic data exchange between Matlab and configuration is realized with DDE technology. The functions of calibration, data storage, history data report, etc. are realized for the flow device and the flowmeter through programming. The method is a good way for on-line real-calibration simulation. Experimental results show that the accuracy of the flowmeter calibration device is 0.3, and it can preferably reach to the automation of control, data acquisition, processing and analysis.
Key words: flow calibration; Kingview; Matlab; DDE technology