《中国测试》杂志社邢丽娟, 杨世忠
邢丽娟, 杨世忠
(青岛理工大学自动化工程学院,山东 青岛 266520)
摘 要:根据变风量空调系统的运行特点,以空气焓值为依据,通过新风、送风和回风的焓值来计算用户的冷量消耗进而解决变风量中央空调的准确分户计量。该文在准确性和公平性的前提下,为满足实际工程经济性的要求,给出焓值测量的不同方案。计量理论明确,可操作性强,为变风量空调系统分户计量提供一种合理的方法。
中图分类号:TM925.12;TB94;TP273;TB61+1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-5124(2013)04-0018-04
Cool capacity metering based on air vnthalpy in VAV air conditioning system
XING Li-juan, YANG Shi-Zhong
(College of Automation Engineering,Qingdao Technological University,Qingdao 266520,China)
Abstract: Since there are some defects in the present metering theory, good solution of accurate household metering of the variable air volume (VAV) in central air conditioning has not been found yet. According to the characteristics of the VAV air conditioning system and taking air enthalpy value as the basis, the cool capacity metering has been calculated with the enthalpy of the fresh air, return air and the supply air. On the basis of accuracy and fairness, different measurement solutions were designed to meet the requirements of the economy in engineering practice. The proposed measurement method provides a reasonable method and can be easily applied to the VAV air conditioning system with high operability and sound theoretical support.
Key words: variable air volume air conditioning system; cool capacity metering; enthalpy; measurement solution