• 井斜实时测量方法研究

    摘  要:介绍了用重力加速度传感器进行井斜实时测量的方法,阐述了重力加速度传感器的工作原理及其测量井斜的算法,从理论角度分析了实钻中严重干扰井斜信号的因素——噪声、钻具的振动和随机转动,其中噪声和振动信号可采用低通滤波器滤除,而转动使加速度计因离心力产生的测量信号失真,则可通过诸如转速补偿之类的修正去除。经专门的实验装置验证此井斜测量方法和信号处理方法可进行较高精度的井斜实时测量,为高精度的井斜控制奠定了基础。   关键词:自动垂直钻井;井斜;实时测量;低通滤波器;重力加速度传感器   中图分类号:TD174   文献标识码:A  文章编号:1672-4984(2007)04-0005-04   Study on real-time well inclination measurement LIU Bai-yan, WANG Xin-yu, DU Yong-gang, ZHENG Deng-ke (College of Machinery and Automation,Wuhan University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430081,China)   Abstract: This article introduced the approach to measure the inclination with accelerometer sensors dynamically during drilling including the operation principle of accelerometer sensors and the arithmetic to measure the inclination. The factors to distort the inclination measurement data seriously were analyzed theoretically, such as noises, the vibration and random rotation of drilling tools. Generally speaking, the noises and vibrations can be eliminated from the inclination measures by using low-pass filter, but the centrifugal force caused by drilling tool rotation, which will distort the accelerometer outputs, can be revised owing to the rotation speed compensation. The approach to measure the inclination and process corresponding information introduced in the paper are verified to be of high precision by professional experiment facilities and lay a foundation for controlling inclination during drilling with high precision.   Key words: Automatic vertical drilling; Well inclination; Real-time measurements; Low-pass filter; Gravity accelerometer

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