
摘  要:汽车起重机臂梁在长期的使用过程中,受交变负荷、压力等载荷作用,疲劳破坏导致各种缺陷,使其安全性下降。传统的无损检测方法费时、费力,而且在汽车起重机臂梁的检测中难于施行。声发射检测可以预测到由未知不连续活动缺陷引起系统的灾难性失效,通过加载、放置探头在起重机臂梁上,可对其整体进行快速的探伤检测。重点分析了汽车起重机臂梁现状,以及将声发射检技术应用于QY8C汽车起重机臂梁检测的方法及其试验结果,并指出在汽车起重机臂梁声发射检测存在的问题。   关键词:起重机;起重机臂梁;声发射检测;评价   中图分类号:TB533+.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-4984(2007)04-0030-03   Application of acoustic emission testing technology in truck crane girder detection TIAN Jian-jun, WAN Fu, DENG Yong-gang, YU ting, TAN Jing-fang (Environmental Safety and Quality Supervision Detection Institute of Sichuan Petroleum Administration,Guanghang 618300,China)   Abstract: Many defects of truck crane girder caused by fatigue damage and bearing such as metabolic load, stress, et al. Were produced during long-term working, which would make the security of it reduced. Because those traditional nondestructive testing methods were time-consuming, laborious and difficult to apply on truck crane girder testing some totally new methods were needed. Acoustic emission testing technology could detect system catastrophic failure caused by unknown and discontinuous active defects, so whole flaw detection could be completed rapidly by loading and placing detector on the girder of truck crane. Statuses of truck crane girders, method plus testing results for applying acoustic emission testing techology to QY8C truck crane girder detection were focused on, and some problems of this technology were discussed too.   Key  words: Crane; Crane girder; Acoustic emission testing technology; Evaluation