• 弹载磁阻传感器地磁场探测使用域分析研究

    郭庆伟1, 高  敏1, 王红飞2
    (1. 军械工程学院,河北 石家庄 050003; 2. 65161部队,辽宁 朝阳 122400)
    摘  要:弹道修正是简易制导化的重要发展方向,其关键技术之一就是弹体姿态的测量,应用磁阻传感器对地磁矢量进行测量进而获得弹体的姿态信息是目前的研究热点。该文主要对磁阻传感器在应用过程中出现的使用域问题进行分析研究,重点对地磁异常的干扰和磁阻传感器自身因素进行相关阐述,并对弹道与磁北方向平行的特殊情况进行详细地分析,为下一步的实际工程应用提供理论支撑。
    中图分类号:TJ413;TP212.1;TM936.1;TM930.12     文献标志码:A      文章编号:1674-5124(2013)03-0031-03
    Research and analysis of application range of magnetic resistance sensor carried by
    projectile in geomagnetic field measurement
    GUO Qing-wei1, GAO Min1, WANG Hong-fei2
    (1. Ordnance Engineering College,Shijiazhuang 050003,China;
    2. Unit 65161,Chaoyang 122400,China)
    Abstract: Trajectory correction is a significant improving aspect of simple homing of traditional ammunition. Measurement of projectile attitude is the key technology in the correction. Applying the geomagnetic field to detect the attitude information is the hot spot recently. This paper gives more attention to the application range of magnetic resistance sensor when they are employed in the projectile. The geomagnetic field anomaly interference and the self-element of magnetic resistance sensor are put forward in the following words, especially in the situation that the trajectory of projectile is parallel with geomagnetic field direction. From the analysis, more theory information is provided to the coming application.
    Key words: magnetic resistance sensor; application range; geomagnetic field measurement; reference
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