毕齐林1, 王启腾2, 全燕鸣2
摘  要:针对熔池及熔池前区相连焊缝的双靶面成像系统,采用特征基点标识及基于空间变换的方法,建立双靶面成像系统的图像配准模型。在图像配准模型中应用最小二乘法确定配准模型中的参数,并通过实验证明该方法能够快速、准确地实现图像配准并应用到实际的双靶面成像系统中去,为实现焊接过程中熔池相对焊缝中心偏离量的监测创造条件。
文献标志码:A       文章编号:1674-5124(2015)12-0095-05
Image registration of double target surface imaging system based on
spatial alternation
BI Qilin1, WANG Qiteng2, QUAN Yanming2
(1. Guangdong Institute of Automation,Guangzhou 510070,China;
2. School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering,South China University of Technology,
Guangzhou 510640,China)
Abstract: An image registration model has been developed for double target surface imaging system of molten pools and weld joints based on feature point identification and space transformation. Least squares were used to determine model parameters. Experiments show that the method can realize image registration in a swift and accurate manner and can be applied in actual double target surface imaging systems, thus providing conditions to monitor the deviation vector of molten pools relate to weld centers in welding processes.
Keywords: basic characteristic points; double target surface imaging; image registration; least squares; spatial alternation