• 工作用贵金属热电偶校准能力验证
    中国测试付志勇, 韩志鑫
    摘  要:JJG 141——2013《工作用贵金属热电偶检定规程》实施后,为了解我国校准贵金属热电偶的能力,中国合格评定国家认可委员会(CNAS)组织工作用贵金属热电偶校准能力验证,全国28个省、市、自治区的88家实验室参加。该研究主要介绍工作用贵金属热电偶校准能力验证计划的试验背景和实施过程,包括方案设计、样品制备、稳定性试验、结果统计等,并对能力验证结果进行分析。结果显示:校准工作用贵金属结果满意率为98.86%,参加能力验证的绝大多数实验室可以按照修订后的新规程准确校准工作用贵金属热电偶,我国校准工作用贵金属热电偶实验室具有较高的水平。
    文献标志码:A     文章编号:1674-5124(2015)12-0017-04
    Proficiency testing for calibrating working noble metal thermocouple
    FU Zhiyong, HAN Zhixin
    (National Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology,Chengdu 610021,China)
    Abstract: In order to understand the capability of working noble metal thermocouple after implementation the JJG 141——2013 Verification Regulation of Working Noble metal Thermocouple. China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment(CNAS) organized the proficiency test of working noble metal thermocouple.88 laboratories form 28 provinces/cities/municipals took part in the proficiency test.In this paper, the implementation process of the test was described, including project design,sample preparation,homogeneity stability test,result statistic and analysis, etc. The resulted showed that 98.86% laboratories have satisfactory results.In conclusion,most laboratories taking part in the proficiency test have good competence in calibrating working noble metal thermocouple.
    Keywords: noble metal; thermocouple; proficiency testing; laboratory; calibrating
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