刘昌亮1, 肖  正2
(1. 广西工业职业技术学院,广西 南宁 530001; 2. 中南大学信息科学与工程学院,湖南 长沙 410075)
摘  要:针对目前对HXD3、HXD3C、HXD1B、HXD1C型电力机车变流器故障诊断需求以及它们之间的性能差异,提出使用CAN总线将各功能模块连接起来,并通过分析处理软件测试数据进行分析、处理,并对存在故障的变流器进行故障诊断。利用CAN总线易于扩展、结构简单的特点,改变了以前诊断系统功能单一、不易扩展等缺点,便于系统的升级和节约重复设计的成本。
中图分类号:TM464;TP336;TP277;U292.9         文献标志码:A       文章编号:1674-5124(2013)03-0062-03
Design of main inverter test bed based on CAN bus
LIU Chang-liang1, XIAO Zheng2
(1. Guangxi Vocational & Technical Institute of Industry,Nanning 530001,China;
2. Information Science and Engineering College,Central South University,Changsha 410075,China)
Abstract: Main inverter test bed is mainly used to test the comprehensive performance of the converters of HXD3, HXD3C, HXD1B, HXD1C electric locomotives, and test the performance of the converter CI/TCU control unit. This paper proposed to connect each function module with CAN bus and to analyze and process test data, orderly to diagnose the faults of converters through the analysis and processing software. The CAN bus is easy to expand and its structure is simple, which overcomes the shortcomings of the previous diagnosis system including single function, difficult to expand. The new system is easy to update and save the design cost.
Key words: CAN bus; converter; fault diagnosis; performance test