  • 价格:面议
  • 品牌:未填写
  • 产品简介:
  • Birtcher, the home of the original Wedge-Lok , designs, and manufactures, COTS, rugged printed circuit board card guides, conduction cooled frames that are designed for circuit borads requiring cooling in severe environments, such as VME, CompactPCI , PMC

    Birtcher, the home of the original Wedge-Lok® , designs, and manufactures, COTS, rugged printed circuit board card guides, conduction cooled frames that are designed for circuit borads requiring cooling in severe environments, such as VME, CompactPCI® , PMC applications and extractors for use in non-benign - airborne, shipborne, medical, mobile communications and rugged land-transportation - environments.
    瑞士PRECI-DIP精密连接器接插件,PCB连接器,IC插座,弹针连接器,军用车针,CALMARK Birtcher军用插箱锁紧条导轨连接件/紧固件Schroff 插箱,配件/工业电源/机柜空调,日本KEL连接器